Ezber bozan yazıda,
Ergenekon yapılanması, dış bağlantıları ve nihai hedeflerine ilişkin ilginç ve bugüne kadar çok değinilmemiş ayrıntılara yer verildi.
Madsen'ın "Gladio'nun halefi olan Türk
Ergenokon Çetesi,
İsrail yanlısı Neocon think tank'lerle ( düşünce kuruluşlarıyla ) bağlantılıdır." ifadelerini kullandığı yazısında
Ergenekon Terör Örgütü,
Avrupa Birliği rotasından çıkıp radikal ve Arap yanlısı bir dış
politika güttüğü yönünde
propaganda yapılmasında
yardım almıştır deniyor. Yine "Harvard Universitesinde bir profesörün kayınpederi olan
Çetin Doğan, damadı
Danny Roderickt arafından Ergenekon suçlamarları ile ilgili savunulmuştur" sözleri de Wayne Madsen'ın yazısından. Ergenekon Terör Örgütünün dış bağlantılarına da yer veren Madsen, ABD'den Soner Çağatayın bu konudaki çalışmaları üzerinde de duruyor. Wayne Madsen, tüm bu konulara ve daha fazlasına Samanyolu Haber televizyonunda yayınlanan Dünyanın Gündemi programında değindi:

Ergenekon,Gladio operasyonunun bir devamı niteliğindedir. Soğuk savaş döneminde sadece türkiyede değil başta italya olmak üzere daha birçok
terörist saldırılarında bulunulmuştur.
İtalya örneğinde olduğu aynı tipte Türkiye ,
İspanya,Belçikada da
derin devlet bağlantısını görüyoruz. Ergenekonun sadece NATO yada Avrupa ülkeleri ile bağlantılı olduğu düşünmüyorum.Ergenekon, ABD'ninde içerisinde bulunduğ,Avrupa dışında bir çok ülkede faaliyet gösterdiğini zannediyorum.
Washingtondaki Ergenekon bağlantılarına görmek için,1990 ve 2000'li yılların
neler olduğuna bakmak yeterli olacaktır.
Washingtonda devam etmekte olan bir rüşvet,
silah kaçakçılığı ve nükleer maddeyle ilgili devam eden bir
soruşturma FBI dairesi tarafından sonlandırıldı. Bir kaçyıl önce FBI'in tercümanı olan Sibel Edmonson'ın
işten çıkarıldıktan sonra Washingtonda verdiği bilgilerlerle Türkiye'de mahkemelerde verdiği bilginlerin örtüşmediği görülüyor. Türkiye, Ergenekonun derin devlet bağlantılarını ortaya çıkarmaya çalışan tek devlet şu an. Diğer devletler Gladio ile ilgili soruşturmalarını yürütmüyorlar. Örneğin Washingtonda sonlandırılan FBI soruşturmasına bakacak olursak bunu görebiliriz. Türkiyenin soruşturmayı devam ettiren bir ülke olarak en başta yer alması beni mutlu ediyor.
Dün gece dediğiniz bir olaya şahitlik ettim aslında. Türkiye
Dışişleri bakanının katıldığı bir y
emekte türkiyenin ergenekonun önemli bir ismi olan eski
ABD büyükelçisi Mark Grossman ile konuştuğunu gördüm. 1990 yıllara geri döndüğümüzde Mark Grossman Türkiye'de görevli olduğu esnada
Azerbaycanda bir
darbe teşebbünde bulunuldu. Ergekonun önemli isimlerini destekleyenlerin aynı zamanda ırak savaşını destekleyenler olduğunuda net bir şekilde görebiliyouruz.
Hudson enstitüsü, Washing Y
akın Doğu politiları Enstitüsü. Dış politakanın özelleştirilmesi anlamına gelen bu politikayı tehlikeli buluyorum. Türkiye'ye ziyaretim sırasında çok sayıda üst düzey yetkili,gazeteciler ve
AK Parti yetkilileriyle görüştüm. Ergenekonun dış bağlantıları daha büyük bir planın parçası olabileceğini gösteriyor.
Ergenekon soruşturmasının en ilginç yanı ise Dış bağlantılarla olan politik ilişkilerden dolayı bu alana devlet personelinin girmekte gösterdikleri isteksizlikdir. Ergenekon'un ABD ile de,İsrail ile de Azerbaycan ile de bağlantısı olduğunu söylebiliriz. ABD'li bir diplomat Romanya'da derin devlet olduğunu söylüyor ancak ben bağlantıların sadece bu ülkelerle sınırlı olduğunu düşünmüyorum
Mısır gibi ülkelerde bunlara dahil olduğu izlenimi geçen hafta Türkiyede bulunduğum sırada edindim.
ABD'nin düzenlenen
terörist saldırılda eli olduğunu düşünüyorum.Çünkü bu başkaarını hedefe koymak üzere planlanmış saldırılar yeni bir şey değil.Amerikanın geçmişinde de olayın benzerlerini görebilirsiniz.Sürmekte olan soruşturmada gösteriyorki masum insanlar öldürülmek ve diğer masun insanlar suçlanmak isteniyordu.Bu saldırıların nedeni Ermeniler
Kürtler ya da sol gruplar değil,ergenekonun arkasındaki topluluktur. Oluşan bu saldıralar diğer ülkeleride etkiliyor.Amerikanın da bu saldılarda rol oynadığı kuvvetle muhtemeldir.Ben aynı zamanda ABD'nin ABD'de düzenlenen diğer terörist saldırılarında içerisinde olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Burada bir yıpratılma kampanyası olduğunu söyleyebilirim.Bu dezenfermasyon Newyork'daki düşünce kuruluşlarında ve neokonlar tarafından yakın
doğu politikasında dolayı yapılmaktadır.
Gülen hareketine söz konusu edilerek amaç dikkatleri başka yöne çekmektir.
Ameirikadaki düşünce kuruşları ABD ile çok fazla bağdaşlatırılıyor.Düşünce kuruluşları Ameirkadaki özel dış politasıyla ilgili bir temsil özelliğine sahip. Obamanın Programlarında bile bu düşünce kuruluşlarının saf dışı edilemediğini görüyoruz.Düşünce kuruşlarında önemli rol oynayan bu aktörlerin aynı zamanda ABD'yi
Irak savaşına sokan,İran'a askeri operasyonu destekleyen,bu insanlar olduğunu görüyoruz.
Üst düzey AKP'liler yaptığım görüşmede sunu anladık.İsrail'in Tr için bu kadar kritik olmasını nedeni
Gazze mi yoksa Ergenekon mu yoksa Ergenekonun Mossad'la bağlantısının ortaya çıkması mı olduğu görülüyor.Bu soruşturmanın İsrail ve Washingtondaki İsrail lobisi ile bağlantısı olduğu kaçınılmaz.
İşte yazının orjinali metni....
Ergenekon ties abroad a political "third rail" in
One of the most sensitive aspects to the current exposure by the Turkish government of the Ergenekon terror network in Turkey is the links the group have with similar "Gladio" and "false flag" terrorist networks in other nations, including the
United States, Russia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Israel, and France. A number of Turkish officials told WMR that such links have been established by many of these political leaders and human rights leaders were reluctant to describe the closeness of the relations between Ergenekon, a shadowy network of military officers, politicians, judges, businessmen, professors, drug cartels, terrorist groups, and journalists, to similar "deep state" organizations in other countries.
A Turkish parliamentary inquiry discovered links between Ergenekon and the U.S. embassy in
Ankara and former Vice President
Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld. The U.S. ambassador to Turkey, Marc Grossman, and his military attache, Major Douglas Dickerson, were recalled from Ankara in 1997 after it was discovered that they were involved with Ergenekon elements in trying to overthrow the government of Azerbaijani President
Haydar Aliyev. Grossman is currently the vice chaoirman of the Cohen Group, founded by former Defense Secretary William Cohen. Grossman also serves on the board of trustees of Istanbul's Roberts College, a one-time American university that counted two Turkish Prime Ministers and scores of Turkish cabinet ministers, businessmen and diplomats among its alumni. The college is now a lycee, a private preparatory high school.
Ergenekon was used by the CIA to bolster the agency's operations in countries of the former Soviet Union that form part of the old Turkic empire. The Turkic realm includes Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan. There are reports from Kyrgyzstan that Kyrgyz special forces used foreign snipers using exotic weaponry to kill demonstrators during the recent coup against President Kurmanbek
Kurmanbek's brother, Zhanysh Bakiyev, reportedly hired
Georgian, Chechen, and Latvian mercenaries to attack the demonstrators. President Bakiyev was also entertaining an offer from the United States to establish a second U.S. military base in Kyrgyzstan's southern Fergana Valley region, a hotbed of Bakiyev supporters where Bakiyev is now holed up while refusing to give up power. The proposed U.S. base in the Fergana Valley, closer to Afghanistan, would have complemented the U.S. air base at Manas, outside of Bishkek. The future of the Manas airbase is now in doubt after it has been revealed that U.S. payments for the base ended up in the foreign bank accounts of both President Bakiyev and his son, Maxim Bakiyev, who, it should be noted, was due to attend an economic investment conference in Washington, DC on April 8, co-sponsored by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Kyrgyz-North America Trade Council.
The Council's website lists as board members ousted Kyrgyz Prime Minister Igor V. Chudonov; Douglas Renfield-
Miller, the council's president and former investment banker for UBS; Marc Miller; Zamira Sydykova, Kyrgyz ambassador to the United States and a former editor-in-chief of Res Publica, a
George Soros-funded propaganda operation; and Kenneth Hansen of Chadbourne &
Park in Washington, DC and an oil and natural gas investment counselor.
Maxim Bakiyev served as the chief of the Kyrgyz Central Agency for Development, Investment, and Innovation and is now wanted by the new Kyrgyz government on criminal charges. However, the Obama administration, adhering to the CIA's and Soros's global agenda -- an agenda that is on the same economic and political page -- is refusing to disclose Maxim Bakiyev's whereabouts. The U.S. embassy in Bishkek is remaining mum on whether the Obama administration is considering Maxim Bakiyev political asylum.
The Kyrgyz operations by Bakiyev parallel those of Ergenekon's foreign operations in Azerbaijan, Russia, and other Turkic-speaking countries and regions
The Ergenekon link to Russia is primarily through Levent (Lev) Ersöz, the alleged sales director of Rosoboronexport, the Russian arms exporter. Ersoz fled Turkey after an arrest warrant was issued for him.
A Turkish Foreign Ministry official, when informed about Turkish intelligence bribes and blackmail of American politicians and the role played by the American Turkish Council (ATC) in lobbying in Washington and working closely with the American Israel Pubic Affairs Committee (AIPAC), replied, "It sounds a lot like Ergenekon." A leading Turkish human rights campaigner said he was told by Turkish sources in Washington that there was no such organization as Ergenekon. In fact, the Obama administration is hoping that the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan would simply drop the Ergenekon investigation. Obama officials are clearly concerned that the Ergenekon investigation will soon lead to the CIA in Langley and the lobbying firms on K Street.
The Blue Mosque of Istanbul. Neocons and pro-Israelis in America attempt to demonize Turkey because it is a democracy with a majority Muslim population. As a senior Islamic official told WMR in Ankara: "We Muslims in Turkey are very tolerant. When the head of a five star hotel in Ankara tried to convince me to hold our Islamic affairs meetings at his hotel because they do not serve alcohol, I replied: why should I move our venue from the Sheraton and Intercontinental? Many of our participants want to have a drink. Islam considers drinking alcohol a sin but we do not force our beliefs on others who choose to drink."
WMR learned in Ankara that successive Turkish military attaches at the Turkish embassy in Washington were key players in Ergenekon. After the revelations by former FBI Turkish and Azeri translator Sibel Edmonds about the Turkish "deep state" operations in the United States, the FBI ordered and end to its investigation of the Turkish embassy and the ATC because the investigation would harm "arms smuggling" being carried out with the knowledge of the
Bush administration, particularly Cheney and Rumsfeld. WMR also learned that the United States and Israel are worried where the Ergenekon investigation will lead.
Senior Turkish officials also revealed to WMR that the Ergenekon investigation could lead to the expsore of similar deep state networks tied to Israel and the United States in Azerbaijan, Syria, and Egypt. The attack on the Turkish economy in 2006 has also been linked to Ergenekon working with Soros, according to one senior Turkish government official.
In addition, during the 1990s, FBI wiretaps of the Turkish embassy and the ATC in Washington yielded intelligence on the use of Ergenekon and the Gray Wolves paramilitary terrorist group to funnel weapons to the U.S.- and "Al Qaeda"-supported Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the Balkans. The intelligence also pointed to a link between Ergenekon, the KLA, and drug trafficking into the Balkans, through Turkey, from Afghanistan.
A senior and influential Turkish parliamentary official told WMR that because the Turkish "deep state" canot win at the ballot box they have resorted to using members of Turkey's
diaspora abroad to seek support for a coup against the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and propagandize that Turkey's government is Islamic and intent of re-veiling women. Certain influential members of the diaspora are conspiring with Jewish supporters of Israel abroad to demonize the Erdogan government, according to the source. In addition, Turkish "deep state" members are often flying to Washington, DC to blur the picture that the United States has of Turkey. The "deep state" representatives, working through neocon organizations like the American Enterprise Institute, Jewish-led Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP), the Hudson Institute, the Jewish-led Levin Institute in Manhattan, and the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) are prompting their American counterparts to inform the Obama administration that the Ergenekon case has gone on too long. In fact, WMR reported that during President Obama's last meeting with Erdogan, the president called on the Turkish Prime Minister to release some of the jailed Ergenekon figures. The request to Erdogan placed Obama isquarely n the corner of the Ergenekon coup plotters and Israel.
The Turkish parliamentary official revealed that there were "entrepreneurial military activities" at the Turkish embassy in Washington, DC involving members of the Turkish military attache staff. In effect, the Turkish official, who is also a former Turkish military officer, confirmed the claims by Edmonds that the embassy was involved in paying bribes to U.S. politicians and engaged in espionage.
The Turkish parliamentarian said that the recent election in Ukraine, the revolt in Kyrgyzstan, and the opposition to the government in Georgia was part of a "political correction" going on in eastern Europe and central Asia. He said that the neocons have permitted "democracy" to become a tainted word in central Asia. He added that the political reforms in Turkey were inspiring people in central Asia and the Middle East to rise up against their own "deep states." Such a development endangers the status quo, especially Israel's jaded interests in the Middle East. When the state serves its citizens, rather than the citizens serving the state, the member of parliament said entrenched interests are threatened.
What is occuring in Turkey is akin to arrest warrants being issued for ex-members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and intelligence services, as well as the President's National Security Adviser and the assistant director of the FBI in the United States for their roles in planning and committing "false flag" terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, including a certain incident on September 11, 2001.
WMR has also learned of links between Ergenekon and the Greek "leftist" terrorist group November 17. The November 17 group has carried out a number of terrorist attacks against American and British targets in Greece but the connections to Ergenekon suggest that the November 17 group is a by-product of Greece's own Gladio network. On June 8, 2000, motorcycle gunmen, claimed to be members of November 17, shot and killed Brigadier Stephen Saunders, the British military attache in Athens, as he was driving to work. British intelligence verified published claims that Saunders was assassinated by Greece's version of Ergenekon, a Gladio follow-on "deep state" network called "Sheepskin." British MI-6 also discovered links between Sheepskin and Ergenekon. The Greek government maintains that Sheepskin was dismantled in 1988. However, there are indications that the Gladio networks in Europe have merely morphed into new networks that serve the interests of the United States and Israel.
There are Gladio networks and theirfollow-ons in France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Greece and Turkey. In Spain, Gladio may have reared its head in the political prosecution of Spain's human rights judge, Baltasar Garzon. Garzon brought criminal charges against Chile's dictator Augusto Pinochet and began an inquiry into the war crimes of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. However, it was Garzon's announced plans to investigate the over 100,000 disappearances during the Spanish Civil War and Francisco
Franco dictatorship that has earned Garzon his own criminal prosecution by the Spanish state -- the "deep state." In France, Gladio, also known as "
Plan Bleu," may be at the heart of the French arson attacks that propelled Nicolas
Sarkozy into the French presidency. WMR previously reported that many of the attacks were "false flag" operations carried out by Sarkozy's Interior Ministry operatives to fan anti-Islamic fervor in France.
A number of retired Turkish
generals and admiral are now before the courts answering questions about their role in attempting to overthrow the AKP government, an operation officially known as the Sledgehammer ("
Balyoz") Security Operation Plan. A lost of attendees at a 2003 Sledgehammer planning seminar has also been revealed. The mastermind of Sledgehammer is allegedly retired Turkish First Army chief General Cetin Dogan. Dogan is accusing the former chief of the Turkish General Staff General
Hilmi Ozkok of releasing all the Sledgehammer documents. Ozkok is being praised for preventing a coup against the government and revealing the secrets of the Ergenekon network.
Other documents released in the probe of Ergenekon involve the Cage (
Kafes) Operation Action Plan, a series of assassinations of prominent non-Muslims in Turkey that would be used by Ergenekon to suggest the AKP government was unable to control Muslim extremists. Prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist
Hrant Dink is believed to be one of the victims of Cage. A police report has determined that Ibrahim Sahin, the National Police Department's Special Operations Unit deputy chief, was the mastermind behind the Cage operation.
Another Ergenekon action plan is titled the Action Plan to Combat [Islamic] Reactionaryism." The plan calls for assassinations masked as suicides, as well as bombings and other terrorist attacks that would influence public opinion.
Among those arrested for involvement in Ergenekon are a "Who's Who" of Turkish political and military society, including:
o Sener
Eruygur, Retired
Full General and Former Head of Turkish Gendarmerie
o Hursit
Tolon, Retired Full General
Veli Kücük, a retired general,
o Dogu Perincek, the chair of the Workers' Party (IP),
o Ilhan Selcuk, columnist at the
Cumhuriyet newspaper,
o Kemal Alemdaroglu, the former rector of Istanbul University (IU),
o Fikret Karadag, a retired colonel,
o Kemal Kerincsiz, ultranationalist lawyer,
Sevgi Erenerol, press spokeswoman for the "Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate,"
Tuncay Özkan, journalist, former owner of
Kanal Türk TV station, and leader of the anti-Islamist "How many are we?" movement
Adil Serdar Saçan, former police chief of Istanbul Organized Crime Division
Sinan Aygün, President of the Ankara Chamber of Commerce
Sami Hoştan,
Susurluk scandal convict
o Ferit Ilsever, General Manager of
Ulusal TV Channel
Emin Gürses, Associate Professor at the
Sakarya University.
WMR has obtained a 10-year chronology of Ergenekon activities from 1996 to 2009:
3 November 1996
A traffic accident near the small town of Susurluk, brought illegal organizations to light.
The “deep state” phenomenon has surfaced for the first time by a traffic accident near the small town of Susurluk. A police officer, a deputy and a convicted fugitive were in the same car. This accident, which is called as “Susurluk Scandal”, revealed the relations between state, politics and mafia. Civil society supported the investigation by concerted actions called “one minute of darkness for perpetual light”. However, Necmettin
Erbakan, then the prime minister, declared allegations as nonsense. Despite huge public support, the investigation proved fruitless due to lack of political backing. Lack of political support was the most evident with regard to
Veli Küçük. The retired brigadier general, who is now an Ergenekon detainee, refused to testify in front of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission for Susurluk.
The name Ergenekon, as a clandestine organization, was first pronounced.
The name Ergenekon, as a clandestine organization, was first pronounced by
Erol Mutercimler, a retired naval officer and a current detainee in the Ergenekon case. Soon after him, journalists
Can Dündar and Celal Kazdağlı wrote a book entitled Ergenekon, pointing to illegal organizations within state in this name. Official recording of the word also corresponds to these dates. At 10 March 1997, Ümit Oğuztan -a current detainee in the Ergenekon case- wrote a petition for the then ongoing Susurluk Commission. In his petition, he mentioned an organization named Ergenekon, and defined this organization as the Turkish Gladio.
First official document was found related with Ergenekon
Güney, an Ergenekon suspect, and a key witness of Ergenekon probe, had been investigated due to an ordinary fraud case. During the search at Güney's office, police found documents about the organizational structure of Ergenekon. Further research had led to some reports prepared by police and intelligence services. However no concrete action was taken.
9 November 2005
Two junior officers were caught red-handed during an illegal bombing.
At 9 November 2005, two junior officers and a
PKK informant bombed the
Umut Bookstore belonging to Seferi Yılmaz at the
Şemdinli district of
Hakkari. One person died during this attack; however perpetrators of the attack were caught by bystanders and delivered to police officers. After the public prosecutor came to place for investigation,
fire was opened on the crowd and another person lost his life. The investigations showed that, the car used by the assailants belonged to Gendarmerie Forces. Searches within the car revealed a list of 105 people, three Kalashnikovs belonging to Gendarmerie, bombs and plans of various home and workplaces.
The incident grew, when
Yaşar Büyükanıt, then Commander of the Army, backed these two junior officers by saying “I know them, they are good men”. Prosecutor, Ferhat
Sarıkaya, expanded the investigation with the claim that the unearthed gang might have connections with high ranking officials, however, he was disbarred by the Supreme Board of Prosecutors and Judges. Two junior officers were sentenced to 39 years. However, the Supreme Court of Appeals decided that a military court should be in charge of the investigation. Both officers were released after their first trial in the military court. Throughout the process, the government was accused by the public for not backing the case just as happened during Susurluk trials.
5 February 2006
Father Andrea Santoro was murdered in
Father Andrea Santoro, who was a Catholic priest in the Santa
Maria Church in Trabzon, was murdered by a 16 year old ultranationalist. The murderer was caught after two days with his gun.
5-11 May 2006
Cumhuriyet daily was bombed three times during May 2006.
At 5, 10 and 11 May 2006, Cumhuriyetdaily, a staunchly Kemalist newspaper, has been target of hand grenades three times. Initially, the journal accused the Islamists for being the perpetrators of the attacks, and for aiming to intimidate the Kemalist journal. A large public campaign was started, in which people were called to back the journal and the republic. (Cumhuriyet means republic in Turkish.) However, later on, Ergenekon investigation unearthed that the bombs used in these attacks belonged to the military and has the same cache number with the bombs discovered in
Ümraniye, which led to the start of Ergenekon investigation. The journal itself accepted that the bombings were Ergenekon operations two years later, on 15 July 2008.
17 May 2006
Council of State had been attacked; a senior judge was shot dead.
While the political tension was rising, due to the bombings of Cumhuriyetdaily,
Alparslan Arslan, who was later discovered to be the perpetrator of these bombings, had attacked the Council of State leaving a senior judge dead. Initially the attack was linked to Islamist extremists, while
Alparslan Arslan, found guilty of the Council of State killing, also said he attacked the court in protest of an anti-headscarf ruling it had made. But Ergenekon investigation discovered evidence that, he was connected with Ergenekon. In 17 December 2008, both cases; the bombing of Cumhuriyet and the attack on the Council of State, were merged under the Ergenekon case.
18 January 2007
Armenian journalist Hrant Dink was shot dead in front of his newspaper Agos.
Editor in Chief of Agosdaily, Hrant Dink was shot dead in front of his newspaper Agos, by a 17 year old ultranationalist. The assassin,
Ogün Samast, was captured the same day. Hrant Dink was sentenced by the article 301 of Turkish penal code, which punishes denigrating Turkishness. Most of the people who had been involved in filing Dink's case, are now imprisoned due to Ergenekon case, pointing to the possible involvement of Ergenekon in this murderous plot. After the assassination, Dink's family declared that, Hrant Dink was suspicious of Veli Küçük's desire to kill him.
25 March 2007
Nokta journal published “Coup diaries”.
A weekly journal Nokta, published the diaries of retired Commander of Navy
Özden Örnek. Diaries revealed that during 2004, top commanders in Turkish Armed Forces were plotting a coup d'etat. The mastermind of the plot was seen as
Şener Eruygur, a key suspect in Ergenekon investigation. Örnek denied the diaries and claimed that he had never written them, and filed against the journal. Following week, the headquarters of Nokta was raided by the police and later on Noktaterminated itself due to increasing pressure. However, in the case of investigation, in
Mart 2008, it is technically proven that diaries were taken from the personal computer of Özden Örnek. These diaries constitute the backbone of the second Ergenekon indictment, submitted on 10 March 2009.
18 April 2007
Three Christians were killed in an attack at a publishing house in
Three months after the Dink assassination, a publishing house in Malatya was attacked and three Christians, one of whom is a German citizen were killed. Likewise in the Dink assassination, the perpetrators were ultranationalist youngsters and they were linked with some of the key Ergenekon suspects. This case was also later merged with Ergenekon on 21 November 2008.
12 June 2007
First Wave-27 hand grenades were found during a police raid to a shanty house in Ümraniye.
27 hand grenades were found during a police raid to a shanty house in Ümraniye. These bombs have the same cache number with the bombs used during the bombings ofCumhuriyet daily. Later, the investigation revealed links with these bombs and the retired officer
Muzaffer Tekin.
Muzaffer Tekin has links with the Council of State shooter Alparslan Arslan, and also with the retired general Veli Küçük and lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz. This started the process that led to unearthing of Ergenekon. This police raid and subsequent arrests were later called as the first wave of Ergenekon. In this first wave, the retired Captain Muzaffer Tekin, retired Junior
Oktay Yıldırım and Mahmut
Öztürk and Bekir Öztürk, head of an ultranationalist group called Kuvva-yı Milliye, were arrested.
26 June 2007
Second Wave-Weapons and explosives were found in
Police raided a house belonging to the mother of the retired Major Fikret Emek and found large amounts of weapons and explosives. Emek has been arrested. Later as the investigation deepened, writer
Ergun Poyraz, retired Captain
Gazi Güder and four other people got arrested.
21 January 2008
Third Wave-Veli Küçük got arrested.
31 people including retired Brigadier General Veli Küçük, retired Colonel and also head of an ultranationalist group called Kuvva-yı Milliye, Fikri
Karadağ, retired Captain Mehmet
Zekeriya Öztürk, lawyer Kemal Kerinçsiz, Akşam columnist Güler Kömürcü, the spokesperson of the Turkish Orthodox Patriarchate
Sevgi Erenerol, Susurluk case convict Sami Hoştan, mafia leaders
Sedat Peker, Ali Yasak (known as Drej Ali) and Ümit Oğuztan got arrested. During the interrogation of the suspects, police reached to a death list which includes,
Nobel Laureate
Orhan Pamuk, journalist
Fehmi Koru, mayor of
Diyarbakır Osman
Baydemir, and deputies of DTP
Ahmet Türk, Sabahat
Tuncel and former deputy
Leyla Zana. According to the list, Orhan Pamuk was the first target and even two people were hired for the assassination.
21 February 2008
Fourth Wave-Academics got arrested.
Associate Professors Emin Gürses and Ümit Sayin, journalist Vedat Yenerer, businessman Hayrettin Er
tekin and Muammer
Karabulut got arrested.
21 March 2008
Fifth Wave –
Doğu Perinçek and
İlhan Selçuk were detained, Perinçek got arrested
13 people including Doğu Perinçek, leader of the Workers' Party,
Kemal Alemdaroğlu, former president of
İstanbul University,
İlhan Selçuk, chief columnist of the Cumhuriyetdaily were detained. Alemdaroğlu and Selçuk were released, while Perincek was arrested.
26 March 2008
Coup diaries were verified.
Coup diaries that had been published at the April of 2007, by Noktajournal were techically proven to be extracted from the personal computer of Özden Örnek. Alper Görmüş, chief editor of Nokta journal acquitted from the cases filed against him, but the court also ruled that there is no need for further investigation. These diaries are part of the second indictment of Ergenekon case.
13 June 2008
Taraf daily unraveled a secret meeting between Osman
Paksüt and
İlker Başbuğ.
Taraf daily claimed that,
Osman Paksüt, Deputy President of the Constitutional Court, and
İlker Başbuğ, then the Commander of Army, met on 4 March 2008, two weeks before the filing of closure case against AKP. After initial denial, both sides confirmed the meeting.
5 July 2008
Sixth Wave-Retired generals were arrested.
Police detained the former Commander of the Gendermarie General Şener Eruygur, former Comm